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Vomiting in cats
Most cases of vomiting in cats will improve with minimal treatment but sometimes vomiting can be a sign of something more serious.
Permethrin toxicity in cats
Permethrin is a chemical used to treat fleas. It’s safe to use on dogs but is extremely poisonous for cats. Common symptoms of permethrin poisoning include drooling, acting strangely, twitching and fitting.
Chocolate Poisoning In Cats
The seriousness of chocolate poisoning depends on how much chocolate your cat has eaten, how much they weigh, and the cocoa content of the chocolate.
Rabies in cats
Rabies is a deadly virus that attacks the central nervous system (brain and nerves), causing severe symptoms and eventually death.
Pregnancy in cats
While your cat is pregnant you will need to care for her slightly differently and make sure you’re prepared for her giving birth.