In memory of

Oakley McKenna

2023 - 2023

Oakley ‘Bob’ McKenna

Oakley was a french bull dogs and my first pet. We got him a couple weeks after he was born and we call fell in love with him, he was a great dog and never caused us hassle. Sadly, early Saturday he had his first seizure, but survived it, but he had another one this morning and it was too much for him. Fly high baby ¿¿

Your messages:

We will all miss you so much life is not the same without our baby. Love and miss you so so much daddy ¿¿¿¿

Added by William McKenna on 02/01/2024

We will never forget Oakley! You will be missed and never be forgotten you left amazing people behind such as Kaydin we will miss you!

Added by Geert Wilders Steenwijk III on 02/01/2024

I am a weird person but I still love doge and respect this doge so R.I.P doge.

Added by Silatrack on 02/01/2024

Oakley you were a very brave you will be missed (I am a random stranger I still feel you all)

Added by e on 02/01/2024

Oakley you were the best dog ever and i will love you always.Love from your big brother¿¿¿¿¿¿

Added by Kaleb Mckenna on 31/12/2023

Oakley, u were luved so so much by all of us. The best wee dog ever. Fly high with the angels ¿¿
Luv u from Gran xx

Added by Mary McKenna on 31/12/2023

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