My Sweet lady...

My Sweet lady...

In memory of

Khamu Wookey

2009 - 2024

Khamu, gone far too soon for my heart.

Khamu or Mu as she was affectionally known as, was an amazing lady with a patient heart of gold. Her eyes always made me feel so happy, they were gentle even when she was michievious. I had no idea how hard life was going to be without this lady helping my stress levels. We are going to miss you more and more as time passes Mu. Memories of you will never fade. Wait for me. xxx

Your messages:

Another month, still missing you, a huge hole in my life, so much more than I thought. Sleep sweet Mu Mu We love you.

Added by Tabby on 09/06/2024

Missing you more than ever Mu, another month, time is passing so fast. I can't believe its been 4 months. Love you Mu xx

Added by Tabby on 09/05/2024

Another month. Still miss you. We have two new rescues cats, Meggy moo and Luna, They are lovely and Meggy moo needs a lot of help for her trauma. But they are not you. Hope you are happy and wonder if you have come back in another life.

Added by Tabby on 09/04/2024

Another month. I miss you sleeping with me when I have granny naps. George is missing you too.

Added by Tabby on 09/03/2024

Missing you, one month on and still tearful. Missing your cuddles.

Added by Tabby on 09/02/2024

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