My perfect poser always ready for a photoshoot. Moggs you were a Queen.

My perfect poser always ready for a photoshoot. Moggs you were a Queen.

In memory of

Moggs Hall

2016 - 2024

Moggs Memories

In memory of my Beautiful Moggs she will leave her
Paw prints on my heart furever. We made so many memories together and our bond was magical beyond words.
She was the Disney Queen Cat of the house.
It was an honour to be her owner.
You will now meow to the heavens.
Fly high my Angel kitty

Your messages:

Moggs, you will be dearly missed, the most beautiful, sweet, special little soul, who brought such happiness to those around you. It was a privilege to be in your gentle caring presence, and you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace little one, and know that you will be loved and cared for forever, with much love from Alice and Adam ¿¿

Added by Alice and Adam on 26/01/2024

Moggs, you will be dearly missed, the most beautiful, sweet, special little soul, who brought such happiness to those around you. It was a privilege to be in your gentle caring presence, and you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace little one, and know that you will be loved forever, with much love from Alice and Adam ¿¿

Added by Alice and Adam on 26/01/2024

You will be sorely missed Moggs. Your paw prints will forever be on our hearts. You provided us with so many memories and we will never forget you or stop loving you.

Added by Adam McNulty on 26/01/2024

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Page owned by: MISS C HALL