In memory of

Sweep Jones

2012 - 2024

Sweep Jones

Sweep, you were my best friend for over a decade, we grew up together and I will never forget you my love. You were everything to me and I hope you are at peace now. You were the kindest and most loving cat a girl could ask for and I’ll miss you every single day.
I love you.

Your messages:

I miss you so much sweep went I can down the stairs in the morning and you meow at me for your food and I can remember went we live in Gloucester and you was in a bush and people walk past and say there was a cat meow in there and say you was stuck in the bush but went we call you sweep you all way come out love you and sweep you are up with bampy on is lap love you sweet boy you will always be in my heart

Added by Catrina jones on 31/01/2024

Rest in Peace, furry friend <3 I wish I could’ve gotten to meet you!

Added by Elizabeth on 30/01/2024

Oh little fella, I only knew you for 3 years but we had a soul connection.

My little love, I'll miss you bunny hopping up and down the stairs. You never really got around to understanding how those work.

The windowsill is Sweepless and how are we meant to cope?

See you in another life mister man. ¿¿¿¿¿¿

Added by Percy on 30/01/2024

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