In memory of


2012 - 2024


Diego, we will miss you like you wouldn't believe. We will forever cherish all the memories over these past 12 years. That first time you did binkies around the living room. The times you would sit and watch Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica with us (but never any other shows). The times you would bite our ankles when we were in your way. The time you first saw your reflection. The times you would go nap on the tiles in the bathroom, hiding behind all the towels. The times you would steal socks. The times you would sit like a duck and sleep by the water. And most importantly, the time you first saw Dora and gave her all of your heart.

Your messages:

Diego, we will miss you like you wouldn't believe. We will forever cherish all the memories over these past 12 years. That first time you did binkies around the living room. The times you would sit and watch Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica with us (but never any other shows). The times you would bite our ankles when we were in your way. The time you first saw your reflection. The times you would go nap on the tiles in the bathroom, hiding behind all the towels. The times you would steal socks. The times you would sit like a duck and sleep by the water. And most importantly, the time you first saw Dora and gave her all of your heart.

Added by Jo on 16/04/2024

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