Life-and-death cases come through our doors every hour of every day – pets in desperate need of help and owners terrified of losing them. But your monthly gift enables us to be there to save pets’ lives. And it’s only your donation and kindness that make it possible.

Bobby's story

Bobby is a beautiful 7-year-old Collie cross, best friend and companion to owner Jill. His distressing story begins after a normal day playing his favourite game of Frisbee before collapsing at home. Jill immediately rushed her beloved pet to her local PDSA Pet Hospital, where tests showed he had a dangerously low red blood cell count, often a sign of internal bleeding or even a tumour.


Read Bobby’s story here to find out how Bobby fought his way back to health thanks to quick action and dedicated care.

Painkillers in bottle


per month

for 12 months could help pay towards the costs of emergency operations when pets need us most

Emergency bandages


per month

for 12 months could help pay for overnight hospitalisation for critically ill patients

IV Fluids


per month

for 12 months could help pay for vital pain relief to treat pets like Bobby

Or if you prefer to make a one off donation today, visit our one-off donations page.

Thank you and Merry Christmas from everyone at PDSA