Meet our pet patients

Our veterinary teams carry out over 2.2 million treatments a year through our 49 Pet Hospitals. From dogs who have eaten something they shouldn't, to cats who didn't quite land on their feet, we see some truly remarkable 'tails'! 

Below, you can read about the life-saving veterinary care our amazing teams provide to pet patients. 



Read about the poorly pooches we've helped.


13-year-old Mitzy needed PDSA's help after a large lump was causing her a lot of discomfort.

Mitzy's story


Paris, a French Bulldog, needed life-saving surgery at PDSA after swallowing some floral string lights.

Paris' story


One-year-old Cocker Spaniel, Wilma, needed urgent treatment at PDSA after getting hold of an inhaler.

Wilma's story


Ziggy, the Shih Tzu, needed emergency surgery at Manchester PDSA after his left eye ruptured, causing him great pain.

Ziggy's story


Buddy, a three-year-old Staffy, was diagnosed with a condition called dry eye after he developed red, weepy and inflamed eyes.

Buddy’s story


Nine-month-old crossbreed puppy, Willow, defied the odds and bounced back after emergency surgery to remove large bone fragments wedged in her throat and stomach.

Willow's story


12-year-old Oliver, a Jack Russell cross from Portsmouth, was recently diagnosed with heart failure and now requires regular medication to manage his condition.

Oliver's story


Roma, a seven-year-old Dachshund from Brighton, was diagnosed with diabetes in 2022 and requires regular medication to manage her condition.

Roma's story


8-year-old Patterdale Terrier Pip received life-saving treatment at PDSA after another dog bit her and severely injured her jaw.

Pip's story


11-month-old puppy, Boomi, needed emergency care after being badly bitten by a larger dog.

Boomi's story


PDSA Vets performed life-saving surgery on Loki, a tennis-loving dog, after he swallowed two balls.

Loki's story


Four-year-old Mazikine had life-saving surgery at PDSA after swallowing 14 screws.

Mazikine's story


Three-year-old Dalmatian, Shenzi, narrowly escaped death after swallowing a six-inch bamboo kebab skewer she discovered in a bin.

Shenzi’s story


PDSA Vets save sweet-toothed crossbreed, Charlie, after she got her paws on a whopping 1kg of chocolate mini eggs.

Charlie’s story


Five-month-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy, Misty, is on the mend thanks to PDSA Vets.

Misty's story


PDSA Vets help to manage Bertie’s recurring nose problems.

Bertie's story


7-year-old Rottweiler cross Tinkerbelle was treated by PDSA vets for an abscess that had grown to the size of a tennis ball on her chin.

Tinkerbelle's story


Six-year-old Sunny, a Red Fox Labrador from Glasgow, narrowly escaped death after getting his paws on a beef bone.

Sunny's story


A five-month-old pup is able to feel the love this Valentine’s Day after surviving a complex and life-saving heart surgery.

Winnie's story


When seven-year-old Jack Russell, Billy, managed to get his paws on a chicken bone, his owner Frank knew he needed emergency treatment from PDSA.

Billy’s story


Titch, a four-month-old Staffordshire Bull-Terrier began chewing on the sparkly ornament, swallowing pieces of plastic as well as bits of tinsel.

Titch's story


13-year-old American bulldog Roscoe weighed in at a whopping 75kg when his owner took him for a consultation at PDSA.

Roscoe's story


Dalmatian dodges death after scoffing pack of Christmas After Eights

Reggie's story


Glasgow pup Shabba needed emergency treatment when he devoured a chocolate version of ‘Elf on the Shelf’.

Shabba's story


Fifi receives ongoing life-saving treatment from PDSA for her multiple health conditions

Fifi's Story


Clover receives life-saving treatment at PDSA for a deadly disease

Clover's story


Sweet-toothed pooch, Bunty, needed emergency treatment after devouring a chocolate Easter brownie.

Bunty's story


Five-month-old Jack Russell terrier, Cooper, fell off the bed and suffered a break to his back left leg.

Cooper's story


4-month-old Labrador, Rex, narrowly missed a punctured stomach after getting his paws on a large rib bone from a Chinese takeaway.

Rex's story


12-week old Bichon Frise cross puppy, Daisy, needed emergency surgery after swallowing twenty coins.

Daisy's story


12-year-old Labrador Retriever, Daisy, needed emergency life-saving surgery to remove hundreds of stones from her bladder.

Daisy's story

Buzz Lightyear

Three-year-old cross breed, Buzz Lightyear, suddenly started having seizures that led to his new diagnosis of epilepsy.

Buzz Lightyear's Story


Hetty was rushed to Bradford PDSA for emergency treatment for a painful anal gland abscess.

Hetty's story


Alfie lives with heartbeat disease and requires heart medication to keep his condition stable.

Alfie's Story


Hugo dodges death after eating six packs of chocolate coins and their foil wrappers

Hugo's story


A four-month-old Doberman puppy called Ghost needed life-saving treatment after polishing off an entire advent calendar.

Ghost's story


PDSA vets have saved an eight-year-old border terrier after a freak accident left her caught under the wheels of a van.

Nelly's story


Dallace is saved from a life-threatening intestinal condition.

Dallace's story


Three- year-old pooch Milo went through life-saving surgery to retrieve a face mask stuck in his stomach.

Milo's story


PDSA saves Pickle from deadly womb infection

Pickle's story


PDSA vets have saved a ten-month-old Siberian Husky called Mylo when he became ill after after eating a discarded facemask.

Mylo's story


PDSA vets have saved a one-year-old dog called Dre after a wooden stick became lodged under his tongue.

Dre's story


PDSA vets warn dog owners to take care during walks after Paris fell victim to Alabama Rot

Paris' story


PDSA vets have saved a seven-month-old German Shepherd called Narla after she ate a lethal amount of dark chocolate and raisins.

Narla's story


PDSA vets have saved a Husky-cross called Pax when he became ill after swallowing a tennis ball.

Pax's story


PDSA vets have saved a seven-month-old Rottweiler called Bruno after he caught a life-threatening virus.

Bruno’s story


PDSA vets have saved a five-year-old dog called Marley after he became impaled on a stick during a game of fetch.

Marley's story


PDSA vets have saved a nine-year old Dogue de Bordeaux after she suffered from a deadly twisted stomach.

Honey's story


PDSA vets have saved a six-year old Basset Hound twice after he suffered from an infected ear canal and later swallowed an unidentified object on a walk.

Jethro's story


PDSA vets have saved a nine-month old crossbreed puppy after he swallowed a stick that was half the length of his body.

Rocky's story


Poppy needed emergency surgery after being badly bitten by another dog during a walk.

Poppy's story


PDSA vets provided life-saving care for Nels after he ingested a foil packet of tablets.

Nels' story


Finlay was fighting for his life after his body temperature soared to a life threatening 108°F.

Finlay's story


Krug needed emergency surgery after swallowing a whole corn-on-the-cob

Krug's story


Manchester PDSA has been a lifeline for Ruffin, whose recurring health conditions mean he needs constant check ups at the vets.

Ruffin's story


Biscuit needed urgent treatment after eating a fatal amount of chocolate.

Biscuit's story


Winston needed an emergency operation after suffering a deadly twisted stomach.

Winston's story


Thea had been neglected and attacked by an older dog when she was brought to PDSA for life-saving care.

Thea's story


It was a race against time for Ellie after she became ill with a deadly womb infection.

Ellie's story


Some of our feline friends who have needed our care.

Carrot Cake

Two-year-old cat, Carrot Cake, narrowly avoided losing her leg, thanks to PDSA, after an accident left her badly injured and unable to walk.

Carrot Cake's story


Izzy was reunited with her family three years after she went missing, thanks to her microchip

Izzy's Story


A two-year-old cat, Charlie, was transferred to Manchester PDSA Pet Hospital for suspected road traffic accident injuries.

Charlie’s story


A three-year-old cat, Shadow, needed urgent treatment at Thamesmead PDSA Pet Hospital after becoming impaled onto a ten-inch-long bamboo stick.

Shadow's story


A Portsmouth family’s beloved pet cat, one-year-old Charlie, was saved by PDSA after he was seriously injured in a suspected road traffic accident.

Charlie’s story


When Mittens, a one-year-old cat, returned home unable to walk on her left back leg, her devoted owner knew she needed urgent help.

Mittens’ story


When Coco, a five-year-old housecat, was seriously injured by a fox in her secure back garden, her owner brought her to our Brighton PDSA Pet Hospital.

Coco’s story


Tabby cat Boo was lucky to survive after the stress from fireworks caused a nearly fatal blockage in his bladder.

Boo’s story


PDSA Vets treated 6-year-old cat Ginge after finding a 10cm blade of grass up his nose.

Ginge’s story


CupCake, a three-year-old cat, was severely injured after she was trapped in a rabbit snare.

CupCake’s story


Thanks to PDSA Vets, 11-month-old cat Savi is back on all four paws again after getting his toe stuck in a plughole.

Savi’s story


Charismatic cat, Custard, needed emergency treatment at PDSA after being transferred for a blocked bladder.

Custard's story


Harry, a four-year-old cat, is now pain-free and adjusting to life on three legs thanks to the help of PDSA Vets.

Harry's story


Leo, a 10-year-old cat, was diagnosed with a heart condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy at 10 months old and requires regular medication to manage it.

Leo's story


One-year-old black and white cat, Oreo, miraculously survived a 50-ft fall from the window of a fourth-floor flat that left her life hanging in the balance.

Oreo's story


Bounty needed surgery to treat a lump that had become infected

Bounty's Story


Two-year-old cat Milo needed surgery to treat his injuries after falling off a wardrobe

Milo's story


Cherished kitten, Oreo, is given “a new lease of life” after PDSA Vets removed his ruptured eye.

Oreo's story


A family’s five-year-old cat, Rosie, was saved by PDSA after she was seriously injured in a suspected road traffic accident.

Rosie's story


PDSA vets saved Billy’s life after a suspected road traffic accident.

Billy's story


Jiggy, a cheeky 6-year old cat, needed help from PDSA when his owner, Kelly, realised he had a wooden stick lodged inside the roof of his mouth.

Jiggy's story

Toots Moore

PDSA vets saved seven-year-old cat, Toots, who was suffering from severe pyometra, a potentially fatal womb infection.

Toots Moore's story


14-year-old cat Timmy was rushed to New Cross PDSA Pet Hospital after coming home with his jaw hanging open.

Timmy's story


One-year-old cat Muta needed emergency surgery after swallowing a baby’s dummy.

Muta's story


Felix the cat was critically ill due to a problem with his waterworks

Felix's story


Eleven-year-old Lightning the cat had to have her back leg amputated by PDSA vets after suffering a devastating injury.

Lightning's story

Twilight and Calypso

Four-month-old kittens Twilight and Calypso were taken to Cardiff PDSA Pet Hospital, The Marian and Christina Ionescu Centre, for life-changing surgery after contracting cat flu.

Twilight and Calypso's story


Simba survives serious injuries from a suspected road traffic accident

Simba's story


Ten-year-old cat Hans survived major surgery to remove his eyes and is reunited with his loving owner thanks to PDSA vets.

Hans' story


PDSA vets have saved a two-month-old kitten on Christmas day after he became ill having swallowed a metal bell from a Christmas decoration.

Louie's story


PDSA vets have saved a nine-month-old kitten twice after she was hit by a car in the middle of the night and later developed a potentially fatal womb infection.

Shams' story

Teddy Bear

PDSA vets have saved a seven-year-old cat after a horrific airgun attack resulted in his leg needing amputation.

Teddy Bear's story


PDSA vets have saved a two-year-old tabby after he was hit by a car and suffered life-threatening injuries.

Perci's story


Nugget was saved by PDSA vets after falling 30-foot from a second-storey window.

Nugget's story


Albert needed life-saving surgery after being trapped under the bonnet of a moving car for twenty minutes.

Albert's story


Irwin's life saved by PDSA after eating hairbands

Irwin's story


When Saturn's owner found him in the garden unable to walk, she had to turn to PDSA for life-saving surgery.

Saturn's story


Toby's owner was distraught after finding Toby covered in blood, with bite marks to his ear and a broken jaw.

Toby's story


Plucky kitten Luna got more than she bargained for when she found some lilies.

Luna's story


When Buddy ran out in front of a car, his owner feared the worst.

Buddy's story


When Jay didn't come home one day, his owner had no idea he'd gotten into trouble on the train tracks.

Jay's story

Small pets

Find out more about some of the small pets who have needed our help.


Belle suffered from ovarian cysts that needed to be removed with careful surgery.

Belle's story


Jibbles, a five-year-old rabbit, needed emergency treatment after getting into a packet of chocolate digestive biscuits.

Jibbles' story


5-month-old rabbit Willow received emergency treatment from PDSA vets for her overgrown teeth.

Willow's story


PDSA vets came to the rescue after an 8-month old bunny broke her leg.

Nora's story

What we've achieved

It was thanks to the generosity of our supporters that we were able to treat these pets, along with thousands more.

We couldn't have helped these poorly pets without the incredible support of people who donate, buy from our shops, volunteer their time and fundraise for us.

Here is what your support helps us achieve every year:

  • Treat over 430,000 pets
  • Run 49 Pet Hospitals
  • Help 1.7 million families
  • Carry out 2.2 million treatments
  • We care for 4,800 pets every working day


Want to help team PDSA save pet's lives? Every penny you can spare will help us care for vulnerable pets like these. Please consider supporting us:

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Your donation helps us to save 232 lives every day

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