Stoke PDSA Pet Hospital 

Due to a severe shortage of veterinary staff, we are temporarily unable to accept new registrations in CW1, CW2, CW3, CW5, CW10, CW11, and CW12 postcode areas at Stoke PDSA Pet Hospital.

Our priority is to ensure we can continue providing treatment to the pet patients currently registered with us, while also protecting the wellbeing of our staff.

Pets that are currently registered with us, have been fully registered within the last three years or had an active registration on 5 February 2021 will continue to receive care and treatment.

However, from 6 February 2024, we are unable to accept registrations for any new or additional pets.

When your current registration expires, you will need to apply online using this link

If you're unable to use the online service call Stoke PDSA Pet Hospital 01782 413415 and select the eligibility option. The reception team will then manage your registration and provide you with the next steps to complete your registration.