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Chocolate poisoning in dogs
Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, which is perfectly safe for humans, but toxic for dogs, cats and rabbits.
Why do dogs eat poo?
Unfortunately (for us!), many dogs enjoy the taste of poo, and eating it (coprophagia) is a very normal dog behaviour. Contrary to popular belief, if your dog eats poo, it’s unlikely to be because of a health problem or something missing from their diet.
First aid for poisons and toxins
Many different house and garden items can be dangerous for pets. It can sometimes take hours or days for your pet to show signs of poisoning/toxicity.
Grape, raisin, currant and sultana poisoning in dogs
Grapes, raisins, sultanas and currants are all potentially poisonous to dogs. Find out what to do if your dog has eaten any of these foods.
How to take veterinary photos of your pet
Phone and video consultations are on the rise, and photos are becoming an important part of having an appointment with your vet. This page explains how to take useful pictures for your vet to look at.