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Diabetes in cats | PDSA
Diabetes prevents your cat being able to control their blood sugar levels. Blood sugars levels get very high, but their body becomes starved of energy. Symptoms include weight loss, drinking more, peeing more and low energy.
Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV)
Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) is a serious disease that attacks the immune system and causes cancers such as lymphoma and leukaemia.
Road traffic accidents (RTA)
If your pet had been involved in a road traffic accident, take them to a vet straight away. Read our advice on the best way to care for them.
Severe allergic reactions in cats
Cats can have allergic reactions just like people. Common triggers include insect stings, plants and medications (including vaccinations).
How to take veterinary photos of your pet
Phone and video consultations are on the rise, and photos are becoming an important part of having an appointment with your vet. This page explains how to take useful pictures for your vet to look at.