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Breathing problems in cats
Is your cat breathing noisily or faster than usual? Are they sneezing? Are they breathing through their mouth/panting? Any of these symptoms could indicate a problem with their lungs or airways
Pancytopenia in Cats
Read veterinary advice on pancytopenia in cats, including symptoms, treatment and causes.
Antifreeze poisoning in dogs | PDSA
Antifreeze (ethylene glycol) poisoning in dogs including symptoms, treatment, outlook and how to prevent it. Written by PDSA vets.
First aid for poisons and toxins
Many different house and garden items can be dangerous for pets. It can sometimes take hours or days for your pet to show signs of poisoning/toxicity.
Bowel Obstruction/Intestinal Blockage in cats
Cats don’t often eat things they shouldn’t, but occasionally curiosity gets the better of them and can lead to a blockage. String, thread, hair bands, rubber bands and tinsel are the most common items to cause a gut blockage in cats.