Eye problems in rabbits: an overview
There are several different conditions can cause problems with a rabbit’s eye(s) including:
- Eye infections/conjunctivitis
- Dental disease (because rabbit teeth sit very close to their eyes)
- Dacryocystitis (inflammation of the tear ducts)
- Eye/corneal ulcers - a corneal ulcer is a wound on the surface of the eye. Ulcers need treatment to help them heal and left untreated, can sometimes cause the eyeball to burst.
- Glaucoma – increased pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma is a painful condition that can quickly lead to blindness if left untreated.
- Infectious disease such as:
- Myxomatosis - a devastating virus that causes swelling of the head, eyes, face, and quickly leads to death. Myxomatosis spreads from wild rabbits to pet rabbits through fleas and mosquitoes and is prevented by vaccination.
- Pasteurella infection - a common bacterial disease in rabbits that causes eye disease, breathing problems and abscesses.
- E. cuniculi - a tiny parasite that affects rabbits by causing damage to the brain, nervous system, kidneys and sometimes the eyes.
- Uveitis – inflammation inside the eyeball.
- Masses and tumours – behind, in, and around the eye.
Symptoms of eye problems in rabbits
If your rabbit has a problem with either his/her eye(s), you may notice the following symptoms:
- Weeping/discharge
- Redness or swelling
- Cloudiness
- Pain/blinking/keeping one or both eye(s) closed
- Third eyelid showing
- A lump in or around the eye
- Loss of vision/blindness
- Flickering eye movements
- Blood in the eye
- Bulging eye
When to contact your vet
To prevent any permanent damage or loss of vision, all eye problems should be taken seriously. Contact your vet as soon as you notice a problem with your rabbit’s eyes. Leaving your rabbit without treatment could lead to much more serious problems developing.
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Eye anatomy
See our image next to this text explaining eyeball anatomy.
- Eyelids - rabbits have three eyelids; the upper lid, lower lid and a third eyelid in the inside corner of the eye.
- Conjunctiva - the soft, pink tissues inside the eyelids and around the eyeball.
- Cornea – the clear surface of the eyeball.
- Iris - the circular coloured part of the eye.
- Pupil - the hole in the iris that lets light into the eye.
- Lens - the lens is a small, transparent disc inside the eyeball. It puts images into focus as they travel to the back of the eye.
- Retina - the back of the eye where a layer of light-sensitive cells receive images.
- Optic nerve - the nerve that transmits image signals to the brain, enabling sight.

Published: June 2021
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