Cat Stress

13 July 2016

It’s not always that easy to tell if your cat is stressed. They don’t always show they’re upset in the same way we would. So it’s important to be able to read the signs of stress and anxiety so we can make sure our furry friends are as ‘happy as Larry’!

Signs of feline stress to look out for include:

  • Going to the toilet in the wrong place, or more often than usual.
  • Changed eating habits - eating more or less than usual.
  • Over-grooming.
  • Hiding away – especially if a cat has previously been outgoing.
  • Sleeping more than usual.

It’s important to get your cat checked out by your vet if you spot any of the above signs, to rule out an underlying medical condition. However, if all is well, it could be a sign of stress.

If you think your cat could be stressed, here are some tips to help them become more relaxed:

  • Make sure you have enough litter trays so there is easy access – the ideal amount is one more than the number of cats in your household, in separate locations. (So if you have two cats, have three trays).
  • Give each cat their own food and water bowls, plus one spare.
  • Make sure that food bowls and litter trays are not kept too close together.
  • Provide hiding places – cats often prefer to be up high, where they feel safe.
  • For cats that go outdoors, allow them to choose when they come and go. An ideal way to do this is by using a cat flap – even better, one that recognises your moggy’s microchip, so won’t allow other cats into the house. As a PDSA supporter, you can get a discount on these with SureFlap.
  • Try to keep to a daily routine. Cats are creatures of habit. If they know their lives stick to a familiar routine – that they already know is safe – it’ll greatly help to reduce stress.
  • Use a pheromone diffuser which can help your pet feel more relaxed. Pheromones are natural scents that are undetectable to humans, but can help keep your pet calm.