Moving with your pet

09 September 2016

Taking time to carefully plan your pet’s move will ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. Here are some simple tips you can follow:

  • Leading up to the day of the move gradually move your pets' food bowls, toys and beds into one room. This will mean on moving day they should be happy to remain in one secure room for a number of hours. Do not feed pets close to travelling time, this could cause travel sickness. Small amounts of their usual food throughout the day will help to keep your pet occupied and be gentler on their tummy if they are feeling anxious.
  • When you arrive at the new house, place some of your pet’s toys and bedding into one room with a piece of clothing that smells of you and spend some time with them to help them settle.
  • Ensure your house is secure before letting them out. In addition, dogs could be walked around the house on a lead and let into the garden once it has been secured. But cats should be kept indoors for a few weeks to help them become familiar with the house and surrounding area.
  • Using a pheromone diffuser can help your pet feel more relaxed. Pheromones are natural scents that are undetectable to humans, but can help keep your pet calm.
  • Ensure your pets are microchipped and remember to let the microchip company know about your new address. Microchipping will greatly increase the chance of finding pets should they escape during the move.
  • If your pet is quite nervous and finds it difficult to cope with change, it may be better to book them into a kennel or cattery during the move. If this sounds like your pet’s personality, ensure their vaccinations are up to date prior to the move and give yourself enough time to find a cattery or kennel you like and trust.

If your pet is anxious or stressed, take a look at our tips for keeping cats stress-free or for helping dogs who may be anxious or lonely.