Kiki receives ongoing life-saving treatment for hyperthyroidism.

Kiki, a 12-year-old cat, was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2021 and requires regular medication to manage it.

Kiki lives with her pensioner owners, Ronald and Denise, and two other feline friends, Jessica and Ben, in Plymouth.

In 2021, when Kiki was 10 years old, she suddenly changed in character. Once a very loving and cuddly companion, Kiki suddenly began keeping her distance from her owners. She was also eating a lot more and trying to steal food from the table, but worryingly losing weight at the same time.

Ronald and his wife, Denise, grew increasingly worried about Kiki’s behaviour and weight loss, so he visited his private vet.

He said: “After some tests, they diagnosed Kiki with hyperthyroidism, which is a condition that causes one or both thyroid glands to become enlarged and overactive. We were so pleased that she had a diagnosis but equally as concerned for her future as she was really unwell, to begin with.

“My wife and I are on pension credit, so we couldn’t afford the ongoing vet fees. Not knowing how we’d be able to afford her treatment alongside the blood tests and regular check-ups needed to manage her condition made us really stressed. But then I was reminded of PDSA’s veterinary services - so I called them straight away to see if they could help.

“Thankfully, I was eligible for their services, and the team were more than happy to help and booked Kiki in for an appointment.”

Three years on, Kiki has regular check-ups by PDSA vets and vet nurses at Plymouth PDSA Pet Hospital and they monitor her condition.

Ronald said: “The team at PDSA have been absolutely brilliant with Kiki since we started going to them. They’ve always got her best interests at heart and are always happy to give advice whenever you need it.”

A PDSA Vet said: “When Kiki first came to see us, she had been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, and had already started on medication. It can take a bit of trial and error to get the dosage right - her starting dose didn’t completely manage her symptoms, so some adjustments to her medication were made. If left untreated or not managed, the disease can cause damage to the heart and kidneys, which can be fatal.

“Kiki now requires regular blood tests to monitor her condition - we’re always happy to see her when she comes in for check-ups.”

Ronald said: “I have such confidence in PDSA and I am really impressed with their services. There’s never a question too big for them, I can’t thank them enough for helping our Kiki.”

Since she was first registered, Kiki’s treatment has costed £315.40

PDSA is the UK’s leading veterinary charity. Through our 48 Pet Hospitals and Pet Care scheme, we save the lives of poorly pets who would otherwise be left untreated.

Every year, we helped over 388,000 pets. Without us, emergency cases like Kiki's would be left untreated and many pets could lose their lives or be separated from families who love them.

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