Alvin's asthma is on the mend
13 March 2018
Alvin the cat's asthma is improving, thanks to his owner changing her smoking habits.
Pet owner Jackie Fox, whose cat Alvin developed asthma, says his health has improved after she stopped smoking inside.
Vets at our Glasgow Shamrock Street Pet Hospital warned Jackie that her habit was making her one-year-old cat poorly and urged her to stop smoking around him.
Following the advice, the 39-year-old immediately changed her habits and now plans to quit altogether.
Jackie, from Glasgow, said: “I noticed that he was really wheezy when breathing so I took him to PDSA and they told me my smoking could be affecting him.
“He’s my baby so I was horrified to think that my smoking could be harming his health. I used to smoke in the same room as him but now I go outside and it’s incredible that after just a few weeks he already seems a lot better. The plan is to quit smoking now for my own health as well as Alvin’s.”
Jackie has owned Alvin and his brother Theo since they were eight-weeks-old.
She added: “I’ve smoked for over 20 years but I’m determined to stop to help my pets. I would urge other pet owners who smoke to consider giving up or at least going outside to reduce the exposure to the cigarette fumes.”

Passive smoking
Worried about your pet breathing in second-hand smoke? Read our vets' tips to keep them safe and healthy.
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