Dog dodges death after gorging on SIX PACKS of chocolate coins and their foil wrappers
04 January 2022
PDSA save Hugo from festive fiasco
A Staffordshire Bull Terrier from Plymouth narrowly avoided a Christmas catastrophe after wolfing down SIX packets of milk chocolate coins, including their foil wrappers.
Chocolate can be lethal to dogs and the foil was an additional danger, so when the six-year-old pooch named Hugo devoured the lot and became seriously unwell, he needed PDSA to come to the rescue.
Owner Amie rushed Hugo to PDSA’s Plymouth Pet Hospital where vets provided emergency treatment – fortunately, he’s on the road to recovery but PDSA is warning all owners to keep their pets away from toxic treats.
Amie said: “I’d only been to the shops briefly and came back to find torn up packets and bits of foil all over the floor, with the chocolate gone!
“At first Hugo seemed fine, but I felt sick with worry when he began vomiting blood. He then had a seizure which was terrifying; so I called PDSA immediately.”
Amie called the PDSA Pet Hospital in Plymouth and PDSA vets advised her to bring Hugo in, where he was assessed, sedated and x-rayed.
X-rays revealed his stomach was full of foil, and the decision was made that he needed surgery. An intricate and lengthy operation confirmed his stomach was full of foil wrappers, which were causing severe damage and had to be removed.
PDSA Vet Nurse Donna Southwould, who helped look after Hugo, said: “Hugo was kept in overnight after his major surgery. He needed an intravenous fluid drip, medication and intensive nursing care to aid his recovery. He was very lucky, and could have died if he had not been treated in time. While he’s not completely out of the woods yet, thankfully Hugo is now at home on strict rest, and on the road to recovery.
“Many of us have treats, sweets and chocolates aplenty in the house after Christmas, however some of these foods are very harmful to our pets. Foods including chocolate, mince pies, onions, raisins, grapes, some nuts, sage-and-onion stuffing and Christmas cake can all be harmful and should be kept safely out of paws’ reach.
“Instead of extra food, why not try giving your pets some extra playtime.”
Amie said she wants to share Hugo’s story to raise awareness, so others don’t have to go through the panic and worry she experienced.
“I don’t know what I would have done without the incredibly kind and caring staff at PDSA – they were amazing. I honestly don’t think Hugo would be here without them. They went above and beyond for him and I will be forever grateful. There were a number of times I thought we were going to lose him, so to have him home is a miracle.”
If you think your pet might have eaten something they shouldn’t, call your vet immediately as they might need urgent treatment.
Vet charity PDSA provides free and low cost vet care for those who struggle to pay treatment costs for their sick and injured pets. For many vulnerable pets, PDSA is there to help when there is nowhere else for their owners to turn. Since the first UK lockdown began, PDSA’s dedicated vet teams carried out more than one million phone consultations. With 388,000 pets treated in 2020, by keeping their 48 Pet Hospitals open, PDSA can support the thousands of pets that need help across the UK every day. Every pet deserves a fighting chance. Please donate today and help save pets’ lives.