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Lily poisoning in cats
Despite being popular plants in the home and garden, lilies are extremely poisonous to cats. If your cat eats any part of a lily plant, they should see a vet immediately.
Hyperthyroidism in cats
Hyperthyroidism is a condition that causes one or both thyroid glands to become enlarged and overactive. The majority of cases are caused by harmless swellings.
Problems peeing in cats
There are many different medical conditions that can cause cats to have trouble peeing but issues such as stress are also very common.
Is my cat drinking and weeing too much?
Is your cat drinking or weeing more than usual? You may hear your vet use the words polyuria and polydipsia (PUPD for short). Polyuria is weeing too much, Polydipsia is drinking too much.
Hand rearing kittens
Hand rearing kittens can be very rewarding but is also a big commitment. It involves keeping the kittens warm, regular feeding, toileting, cleaning, health monitoring and socialisation.