Your cat’s body shape

Great news! From the image you selected, it looks like your cat is an ideal weight.

Cats need to be at a healthy weight to live their best lives, so it is essential that owners keep a close eye on their pet’s shape and weight. That way, if your cat suddenly loses a lot of weight or they pile on the pounds, you can help get them back on track.

To help your cat maintain their ideal weight, here are our top tips:

  • Treats – The occasional treat is fine, but make sure the number of food treats doesn’t start to creep up.
  • Diet – Stick to the same food, weighing it out daily based on your cat’s ideal weight.
  • Play – Keep your pet active and mentally stimulated through playtime!
  • Routine – Feed your cat at the same time and same place each day.
  • Shape –check your cat’s shape regularly so you spot any changes.

Click on the cards below for our expert advice on feeding your cat treats, diets, exercise, and Body Condition Scoring (BCS).

An infographic showing how cats' diets have changed during the pandemic


We all love to make our cats feel special. And for many of us, that means spoiling them with a yummy treat. Read our do’s and don’ts on treating your feline friend.

Treat tips


Playing with your cat is a great way to ensure they’re getting enough exercise while strengthening your bond. Discover our kitty exercise advice.

Exercise advice


Cats come in many shapes and sizes. The type and amount of food they need depends on their individual needs. Read our advice on feeding your cat the correct diet.

Diet advice

Body Condition Scoring

Body Condition Scoring (BCS) helps owners and vets assess a pet’s body shape to check if they’re healthy. Read about how to check if your four-legged friend is in shape.

How to Body Condition Score

For more top tips and expert vet advice on how to improve your pet’s diet and exercise regime, download our free Weigh Up diet and exercise guide.