Vet Q&A: Should I insure my pet?

by PDSA | 6 January 2020 #VetQ&As

Pets are great, but they are also a big responsibility and caring for them can be expensive. Getting insurance is a great way to help cover your pet should anything bad happen.

We would always recommend insuring your pet. Whether you have a dog, cat, rabbit or another pet, insurance can really help with those unexpected vet bills. Our pets could get poorly at any time so insurance can be that extra peace of mind you need.

When you’re thinking of getting a pet, it’s important to budget and make sure you can afford their care first. You should factor the cost of insurance into their monthly ongoing costs with food and toys (usually you can pay monthly or yearly).

Why should I insure my pet?

Regular, affordable contributions to a pet insurance policy will help you to budget for your pet’s healthcare and can help prevent the stress of unexpected costs from illness or injury.

Sadly, we can’t stop our pets getting ill with some conditions and we can’t predict when they are going to get ill. Emergency care and treatment for some illnesses can be really expensive, so spending a little every month on your pet’s insurance could save you a lot of money in the long-run.

Any pet could fall ill, regardless of the type of pet you have, so it’s important to always insure pets no matter what species.

You should compare different pet insurance policies so that you get the best policy for your needs. Check comparison websites and remember to always check what each policy covers. If your pet has a pre-existing condition (for example, if they have arthritis or diabetes) you’ll need to check if your chosen policy will cover this. 

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