XL Bully ban in Scotland: What does the announcement mean for me?

by PDSA | 9 February

On Thursday 18 January 2024, the Scottish Government confirmed that it would replicate the XL Bully ban, which has already been implemented in England and Wales.

The XL Bully ban in England and Wales was introduced after a series of serious dog attacks in 2023. Following these attacks, which came on top of an increase in incidents and fatalities involving the breed, the Government in England and Wales added XL Bully breeds to the list of dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. In January 2024, the Scottish Government announced they would replicate this legislation and ban XL Bully dogs in Scotland.

Just like the ban in England and Wales, the changes will come into force in two stages to help XL Bully owners adapt. The announcement on 18 January stated that the first stage would take effect on 23 February, and the second on 31 July.

Naturally, there have been many questions from owners in Scotland. Here are our most-asked questions following the XL Bully ban announcement in Scotland.


What is an XL Bully?

The definition of an XL Bully dog in Scotland is similar to the one in England and Wales. Some of the characteristics mentioned include but are not limited to:

  • A large dog with a muscular body and blocky head.
  • Height of males from 20in (51cm) and height of females from 19in (48cm).
  • Heavily muscled body with a broad, deep chest with well-sprung ribs.

For the full list of characteristics, read the Scottish Government's official guidance here.

If you are unsure if your dog is an XL Bully, use the guide to check. The Scottish Government recommends that you take a cautious approach and comply with the new legislation if you are not sure about whether or not your dog could be identified as an XL Bully.


What will the XL Bully ban mean for owners?

On 18 January 2024, the Scottish Government announced the XL Bully ban will replicate the laws set in England and Wales.

Stage 1: 23 February 2024

From 23 February 2024, it’s illegal in Scotland to:

  • Sell an XL Bully dog
  • Abandon an XL Bully dog
  • Give away an XL Bully dog
  • Breed an XL Bully dog
  • Have an XL Bully dog in public without being on a lead and wearing a muzzle
  • Own an XL Bully dog that has not been microchipped

Stage 2: 31 July 2024

It will be illegal to own an XL Bully dog in Scotland from 31 July – unless you have a Certificate of Exemption and you follow the rules, which include:

  • Microchipping your dog
  • Muzzling your dog and keeping them on a lead in public
  • Having your dog neutered by 31 January 2025, or for younger dogs, within one month of turning 18 months old
  • Taking out third-party insurance* against your dog injuring other people – this can be provided through Dogs Trust Membership
  • Be over 16 years old

*When taking out third party public liability insurance for your dog, you must make sure that the cover starts no later than 1 August 2024. Check that your policy covers:

  • You for death or bodily injury to any individual that is affected by the exempted dog.
  • Prohibited breeds as defined under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.


Neutering your XL Bully

If you have an XL Bully and live in Scotland, you must have your dog neutered and return a confirmation of neutering form, signed by your vet, to the Scottish Government. The deadlines set out by the Government are:

  • Dogs aged 18 months or older on 31 July 2024 will need to be neutered by 31 January 2025.
  • For dogs younger than 18 months on 31 July 2024, evidence of neutering must be provided to the Scottish Government by 31 January 2025 or within one month of your dog reaching the age of 18 months.

If your dog has been neutered already, fill in the form mentioned straight away and return it to the Scottish Government. You will also need a vet to fill out a section of the form to confirm your dog has previously been neutered.


How can I apply for a Certificate of Exemption?

If you have an XL Bully, you must apply for a Certificate of Exemption by 31 July 2024 – or you will be breaking the law and could be convicted of a crime.

To get a Certificate of Exemption for your XL Bully, you’ll need to:

  • Ensure your dog is microchipped.
  • Have your dog neutered by the time they’re 18 months old.
  • Have third party liability insurance for your XL Bully.
  • Pay the application fee of £92.40.

If your dog is too young or unfit to have a microchip, read the Scottish Government’s guidelines here.

For a Certificate of Exemption, you can apply online or by post from 1 April 2024. You have until 31 July 2024 to apply online or until 15 July 2024 to apply by post. We recommend sending postal applications by recorded delivery. If you need help with your application, visit the official website for more information.


What happens after you’ve applied for your Certificate of Exemption?

Once you’ve received your Certificate of Exemption, you’ll need to make sure that you still adhere to the rules for the life of your XL Bully. Therefore, you must:

  • Have your XL Bully neutered by the deadlines mentioned earlier.
  • Keep your XL Bully at the same address of the certificate holder. However, you can temporarily keep your dog at a different address for up to 30 days in a 12-month period.
  • Inform the Scottish Government if you permanently change your address.
  • Inform the Scottish Government if your dog dies or is exported.
  • Keep your dog in a secure environment so they cannot escape.
  • Keep your dog muzzled and on a lead in public spaces.
  • Ensure that you have third party liability insurance for your dog. You can change your provider but there can be no gap in cover.

Be aware that the police or local authority may ask to see proof of your insurance and Certificate of Exemption. You’ll have to provide this to them within five days of their request. They may also ask to access your dog to read their microchip. If you do not follow their request, your Certificate of Exemption may not be deemed valid, and the police could take your dog.


What should I do if I am unable to adhere to the restrictions?

To help make it easier for owners to comply with the law, the Scottish Government has broken up the ban into different stages.

Sadly, if you cannot adhere to the requirements by the deadlines, you could be convicted of a crime. This can lead to a fine of up to £5,000, a prison sentence of up to six months, and your dog could be seized.

Euthanising your XL Bully

If you have made the difficult decision to euthanise your XL Bully, you can claim compensation. You must have arranged this with a vet by 31 July 2024.

The appointment can happen after this date, but the Scottish Government must receive your claim by 30 September 2024 with confirmation of euthanasia from a vet.

You can claim up to £200:

  • £100 to help cover the cost of euthanasia
  • £100 for the loss of the dog

If you use a free charity service to euthanise your XL Bully, you can claim £100.

To claim £200 in compensation if you’re paying for the euthanasia, download this form. To claim £100 in compensation if you’re using a free charity service, download this form.

Make sure that you fill in the correct form with your vet and send it to the Scottish Government by the deadline. For more information on claiming compensation for euthanasia, click here.


How can I train my dog to wear a muzzle?

XL Bully owners must muzzle their dogs in public. It may be tempting to place a muzzle on your pet without properly training them – but this could scare them and make it an uncomfortable experience. For successful muzzle training, you must use positive reinforcement to help your dog associate it with a positive experience.

For more help on muzzle training, watch our video below:




What happens to unowned XL Bully dogs?

From 23 February 2024, it’s been illegal to abandon an XL Bully dog or allow them to stray in Scotland, as in England and Wales. If you find a stray or abandoned dog of any breed, you should contact your local council, as they are responsible under the law for providing a stray dog service.


Should I report XL Bully dogs?

XL Bully breeds have been banned in Scotland since 23 February 2024 under The Dangerous Dogs (Designated Types) Order. Therefore, if you see an XL Bully in public without a muzzle or lead, then you can report the owners. If you are concerned that a dog is dangerous, regardless of the breed, then you should report the dog to the police or local authority.

For concerns about cruelty or neglect of any pet, you should report it to the SSPCA in Scotland, RSPCA in England and Wales, and USPCA in Northern Ireland.


How do I stay safe around dogs?

The vast majority of dogs are not dangerous but it’s always best to be cautious, calm and quiet when interacting with dogs. Any dog, regardless of the breed, can become aggressive if they are afraid or stressed.

Dogs rarely bite without warning. There are clear signs of aggression that dogs are likely to display, including:

  • Growling
  • Snarling
  • Snapping
  • Baring teeth
  • Lunging

Never approach an unknown dog without checking with their owner first and always ask the owner before stroking. If you see a stray dog alone outside, call the council or report the dog online rather than approaching them.

Make sure that you stay calm around them, never run or shout around an unfamiliar dog. For more advice on dealing with a dog attack, read more here.


PDSA’s statement on the XL Bully ban

PDSA’s position on the Dangerous Dogs Act/Order remains unchanged – breed specific legislation is ineffective because it has not resulted in a reduction of dog bites or human deaths.

Whilst we agree urgent action is needed to protect the public from dangerous dogs, we're disappointed the Governments in England, Wales and Scotland are all pushing ahead with breed specific legislation. We'd like to see the Governments focus on much needed extensive reform of the Dangerous Dogs Act, as we do not believe that adding ‘XL Bully’ dogs to the list of banned breeds will be an effective way of protecting the public.

To find out more about PDSA’s stance on banning dog breeds, read our official statement on the Dangerous Dogs Act (1991).

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